Why Book Your Physiotherapy At Home?

A number of reasons might lead someone to want at home physiotherapy, but we are often asked if they ‘qualify’ for at home physio as though there is set criteria that you have to meet before you can book a physio to come to you. Ultimately, the goal of this post is to dispel that myth and discuss a few different reasons why someone may wish to be seen at home.

Severe Pain

The most common reason we would go to someone’s house to provide physiotherapy is because they are in too much pain and leaving the house is just too challenging. Pain is the number one reason that people seek physiotherapy support and this care should not be limited to only those that can travel to us.

Our approach to physiotherapy is all around being meticulous in our understanding of you so that we can offer a service that achieves results. This is the same in and out of the clinic. Many of our hands on treatments are designed to help relieve pain and make you feel more comfortable.


Sometimes, life may put obstacles in the way and finding the time to leave work or find childcare can make coming to physiotherapy difficult, this is a perfectly reasonable and common reason why we can come to you. As long as you have the floor space for out physio bed then we can make it work.

You don’t need any equipment as we bring everything we need along with us. We aim to arrive a couple of minutes early so that we have time to set up, and once ready, the 60 min session can begin. All of this time is spent with you discussing the issue, going through tests and movements to help us understand the problem better and as soon as possible we will move onto treatment. When it comes to treatment we are able to do almost everything that we normally do in clinic. The only exception is dry needling and acupuncture as there is no safe way to dispose of the needles without a designated sharps bin.


This is also a common reason why people get in touch and ask to be seen at home. There is nothing like the comfort and privacy of your own home, and it is imperative to us that you are in a space where you feel comfortable. Despite making every effort to make our clinical environment as calming and welcoming as possible, we do acknowledge that any medical environment can be nerve wracking places for some people. Also, you have to deal with the travel, being around other people that may be rushing past you, the stress of finding where you are going. these are all things you could be doing without when in pain dealing with an injury. That’s why chosing the comfort of your own home is a fantastic reason for booking at home physio.

If you want to know more about our Home Visit Physio Service then click here and have a read through our dedicated page including details about where we can travel and how much it costs.

Whatever your personal reason for wishing to been seen at home rather than in clinic, we are glad to help you resolve pain, restore balance and reclaim happy movement
— Nick

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