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Focused shockwave therapy is a safe, non-invasive and scientifically proven treatment for tendon pain and other conditions in the body.

There is a significant body of high quality evidence that supports it’s ability to help resolve pain and restore function.

We typically use it for conditions such as Achilles tendinopathy, plantar fasciitis and tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis)


Focused Shockwave is a state-of-the-art treatment for chronic tendon injuries.

The specialist device you can see pictured above delivers a wave of acoustic energy to the injured area which stimulates an increase in blood flow.

This is important because one of the key challenges with a tendon injury is that the body cannot heal itself very well at rest. We need to do something to stimulate this healing response. Shockwave achieves this by irritation the tissue causing the body to react in a positive way.

It also works to reduce the sensitivity of the nerve endings in the area which helps to reduce pain.



There are two key types of shockwave therapy, radial and focused. They work both work to stimulate healing through acoustic waves but there are key differences.

Focused shockwave therapy uses more advanced technology to allow the impulse to be more targeted and penetrate deeper. For injuries in the hip, pelvis or hamstring for example this is crucial. Focused is also more comfortable and has shown to yield significantly better results long term.

For these reasons, focused shockwave is our treatment of choice.


  • There is no one size fits all answer to this. It will depend on a number of factors about your personal injury and how well you respond to ttreatment.

    Research shows most people will need between 3 - 6 sessions

  • The shockwave treatment usually lasts around 10 minutes and approximately 2500-3000 shocks are delivered in that time. It takes place within our physio or extended physio treatment sessions.

  • Again, this varies poerson to person.

    The most common answer is that there should be a noticable improvement in the condition in 6 weeks, however we have seen clients experience impressive results within 1 week of their first session.

  • This is a treatment that is only suitable for tendon issues that have been ongoing for several months. It is not appropriate for acute injuries or a recent flare up. It is a treatment for stubborn injuries that are not healing with other treatments.

    If this is you and you feel like you are a good candidate for focused shockwave therapy, it is good to note that it is best when used in combination with a strengthening programme.

  • As this is a non-invasive treatment, meaning that it all happens from outside of your body, it is very safe and there are very few side effects.

    Nick is trained and experienced in the delivery of focused shockwave therapy and is insured to deliver this service.

    A few rare side effects are, redness, tenderness, bruising in the area, possible skin damage or temporary increase in pain. This is not something we have experienced in clinic.

  • Focused shockwave costs:

    • We offer a pack of 3 shockwave sessions for £200

    • This charged in addition to your session fee

    • For a one-off shockwave session, a £75 supplement is added to your session fee

    It is recognised as an effective treatment for tendon pain by most major health insurers and is likely to be covered by your policy. This will need to be confirmed prior to your first treatment session.


To book an appointment you can call or book in online. For home visits or to submit an enquiry please use the form. Alternatively you can reach us using the contact details below.

E. nick@resolvedphysio.com
T. 07889230098

Resolved Physio, 111 Charing Cross Rd, London, WC2H 0DT

Resolved Physio, 280 Bishops Square, London EC2M 4RB